and The Anstendig Institute present
Hoarding is not like cluttering and needs very different solutions. This workshop series provides insights, practices, tools, support, and resources to enable people with chronic hoarding issues to change their behavior, thinking, emotions, habits, and living conditions, and prevent relapse.
Understanding Hoarding Sept. 7
This session provides a foundation for understanding how hoarding begins and continues, differentiating hoarding from other behaviors, and for knowing the effects of hoarding on the person who hoards and those around him or her.
Understanding Hoarding Hazards Sept. 14
There are many physical, mental, and situational dangers associated with hoarding. This session will describe ways to reduce dangers both in the short- and long-term.
Understanding Change, Thoughts And Emotions Sept. 21
Understanding the difficulties and pitfalls that undermine or block change and creating individualized plans to overcome them will make change easier, more comfortable, and more successful.
Transforming Thoughts That Perpetuate Hoarding Sept. 28 & Oct. 5
Many thoughts commonly occur in people who hoard that keep them from changing their behavior. We will explore ways that people can free their minds from these snares.
Transforming Emotions That Perpetuate Hoarding Oct. 12 & 19
Just as with thoughts, many emotions keep people stuck in hoarding. These sessions will help participants identify negative emotions to which they are susceptible and create individualized plans to transform these emotions into healthier, more beneficial states.
Transforming Your Space Oct. 26 & Nov. 2
We will study ways to make clearing out and organizing as comfortable, easy, and efficient as possible, identify systems that everyone needs to function well, and provide tools and insights to facilitate transformation.
Maintaining Your Gains And Preventing Relapse Nov. 16
It is not enough to clear out your space, get organized, or stop acquiring – to overcome hoarding for good, you must understand the dynamics involved, know the danger zones, and implement a plan to prevent relapse or transmitting hoarding to the next generation.
Ten Saturdays from 9 AM to noon, beginning Sept. 7 to Nov. 16, 2013 at 88-4th St. $150 for series if pre-registered one week before first session; $165 after or at the door. $30.00 for workbook, payable to instructor at first session. Sessions may not be taken individually. Homework is essential to learning. For more information on the course or book, go to
With over 40 years experience, Gloria Valoris has worked with many people struggling with hoarding to help them understand their problem and make meaningful changes.
Pre-registration begins the second week of July.To Pre-register by mail:
Use this form. Be sure to enclose your check or money order for the full amount - Payable to CCSF
Mail to: Continuing Education, Fort Mason Art Campus, Laguna & Marina Blvd, Building B, San Francisco, CA 94123 FAX to: 415-561-1849 Office: 415-561-1860 For workshop: PE 270
Please include Name, Address, Phone # for each person enrolling
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City ____________________________________________________________ State______ Zip____________________
Phone (H)_______________________________________ (W)_______________________________________________
Email address ________________________________________________________________________ (please print clearly)
___ New ___ Returning Student(s) No. of Persons Enrolling _______ | Total _____________
Payment method: ❏Check ❏VISA or ❏MasterCard
Credit Card # _________________________________________ Expiration Date________________________
You can also pre-register by going to
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