This list is an aid to getting through times when you don’t feel like doing the work of overcoming hoarding without losing momentum or focus. It will be most effective if you supplement it with your own reasons. Tape a copy of your personalized list somewhere you easily see it to increase your willingness to do the work.

* Consider your FUTURE…
            … if you stop hoarding and clear things out
            … if you don’t

* Consider how much pain hoarding causes before you acquire anything more.

* IMAGINE all the things you will be able to do when hoarding stops.

* CELEBRATE every item not acquired, every hoarding thought or emotions stopped, every object given up.

* Put a picture of your space as you want it to be next to where you are working.

* Put your work to overcome hoarding at the top of your daily to-do lists.

* Save treat activities until after you have done your overcoming hoarding work for the day. Create special rewards for doing what you planned (but not buying anything or bringing more things in).

* Invite others to visit you, using the pressure of the visit to propel you into action.

* Ask yourself how you really want to live. Is living with hoarding the best life you can envision for yourself?

* What ideas or dreams do you have for using the space in your home? Can you begin implementing them while you are in the process of clearing things out?

* Think about what your belongings really cost you.

Add motivators that will help you below (please share your ideas with others).










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